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To the all of people who grow and nurture all the produce of the region,

And the people who support their efforts; from transport to and from, through packing and sales, promotion, fertiliser and advice.

To the workers, the researchers, the distributors, to the people hold us together in health and spirit and to the Government – the Ministers, the Members and their Departments.

To those who prepare the produce; from the chefs to the families and businesses that enhance; from the schools and hospitals to the barbecues and the football ovals large and small,

And finally, to all of the people that eat and drink, paint and photograph and just plain enjoy our amazing produce; from the Southern Forests to the world, we raise our glasses to you all, that this region’s reputation and confidence grown so vastly over the past 10 years, is due of all of you and your dreams.


… and let’s look to 10 more productive and prosperous years for all of us!

Monica Radomiljac, SFFC Vice Chair


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